Sleep tips for larger people
When you are classed as ‘clinically obese’ or you’re simply carrying some extra weight, one of the trickiest topics can be getting enough sleep. Whether you are comfortable with your body shape or not, the fact is that you may well have increased difficulties getting comfortable in bed and enjoying a full night’s rest.
How can weight affect sleep?
If you’re overweight, you’re more prone to conditions such as sleep apnea. This is a condition in which your rest cycle is constantly being interrupted by irregular breathing. It sometimes manifests as excessive snoring or even choking! The additional weight around your neck, chest and stomach impacts on your lungs’ ability to fully inflate, especially when you are lying down.
People who are above their ideal weight to height ratio are also more likely to suffer from restless leg syndrome.
Also, do you fall into the category of people who love a supper treat or even snacks in the night when you struggle to get comfortable? Giving your digestive system work to do when it should be resting can impact negatively on a good night’s slumber!
It can be a vicious circle. Sleep deprivation can impact on your metabolism, having enough energy for exercise and craving for comfort food. So, a poor night’s rest could add to your weight gain.
Solutions for better sleep for the overweight
Apart from avoiding eating in the few hours before bedtime, what else can you do to improve sleep when you have a larger build?
One of the easiest and most effective solutions is to invest in a heavy-duty mattress. Firmer and more stable support as you sleep can play a major role in improving your posture. It will tend to make you straighten out as you sleep, opening out your spine and respiratory system.
Heavy-duty beds will also ensure your weight distribution is even, with none of the ‘sinking’ that can happen with a softer mattress. The latter can result in you waking in the night due to pain in your hips for instance.
Other bed tips for when you're overweight include trying to sleep on your back. This again neutralises your body’s alignment and avoids pressure points. It can also help to prevent acid reflux and heartburn in bed.
If you’re potentially suffering from sleep apnea, there are masks you can wear to improve your breathing at night.
Cost of a heavy-duty bed
Please keep in mind that investing in a stronger, firmer product from Reinforced Beds is not simply a way to sleep better when you’re overweight. You also buy a bed that is durable and can cope with considerable pressure and wear and tear from even the most restless larger sleeper.