Benefits of an Extra Firm Mattress
Your mattress should be as specific and personal to you and your individual needs as the clothes you wear. For some, a softer mattress simply doesn't meet those needs, and in some cases can even aggravate existing health problems. Extra firm mattresses, such as Reinforced Beds' Brick Mattress, provide extra support and multiple benefits for people of all ages - but particularly for more mature ladies and gentlemen, making them a great mattress choice for care homes.
Here are our top 4 benefits of an extra firm mattress:
1. Alleviates pressure on muscles
If your mattress is softer than you need, you may find yourself sinking into the mattress. The pressure that a softer mattress places on you when it hugs the contours of your body, although comfortable for some, can actually put too much pressure on your muscles. What's more, as the mattress pulls you into its centre, you may find your body naturally forming into coiled and fetal positions, which naturally place more strain on your muscles. An extra firm mattress supports your body throughout the night, removing any unnecessary strain and pressure.
2. More secure
For those perhaps more susceptible to falling out of bed (we've all done it!), extra firm mattresses can provide a little more support. As the mattress is firm, it is less likely to roll and give way to weight applied at the sides, top and bottom. This weight distribution makes for a more secure night's sleep.
3. Aids in heat regulation
As we've already touched upon, a softer mattress pulls you into its centre and hugs your body; this results in greater retention of body heat, which some may find uncomfortable throughout the night. As there is no way to alter this, it can make it harder to regulate temperature. An extra firm mattress will keep you cooler when needed, but on colder nights makes it easier to self-regulate, simply by utilising more blankets and duvets as required.
4. Provides lower back support
Extra firm mattresses support the lower back, preventing it from twisting at unnecessary angles and providing your spine with the support and realignment it requires for you to have a peaceful night's sleep- and a discomfort-free day when you wake up!
If you're looking to make the switch to a firm mattress to reap all of the above benefits and more, why not take a look at our Brick Mattress!