Is being obese affecting my sleep?
There are many reasons that your sleep may be disturbed during the night, but there are three top reasons that may be related to being overweight or obese. Although not always referred to when diagnosing obesity, a BMI (body mass index) above 25 is deemed overweight, and above 30 is generally classed as obese.
Losing weight for health reasons is often a lengthy, personal and emotionally complex journey, and should be done with the support of medical professionals. However, if your sleep is disturbed during the night, weight loss can be instrumental in relieving some of the following sleep issues.
Sleep apnoea
This is a fancy term to describe interrupted breathing whilst you are asleep. This interruption in your normal breathing pattern can lead to being forced awake during a normal sleep cycle, thus leading to an increase in tiredness during the day.
If this is a problem for you, there are solutions alongside weight loss. Visit your GP as the first port of call to talk about specific treatments.
Although not a serious condition on its own, snoring can be a prelude to sleep apnoea and cause choking noises whilst you are asleep. This interruption during the night can, again, cause sleepiness during the day and have an impact on your day-to-day quality of life. Snoring can also have a hugely negative effect on your partner’s quality of sleep.
If snoring is becoming a problem, sleeping on your side can help. If this feels uncomfortable, then supplying earplugs for your partner could be a great solution.
Tossing and turning
Feeling uncomfortable during the night can lead to tossing and turning. For the larger adult, pressure on the joints and loss of circulation can lead to periods of wakefulness in the night and feelings of great frustration.
Choosing the right bed for you and a perfect mattress is a great start to a perfect night’s sleep. Heavy-duty beds are available from suppliers such as Reinforced Beds, along with a firm mattress. For example, their reinforced divan bases are built to accommodate up to 35 stone or a total weight limit for 2 people of up to 58 stone. The sagging experienced with regular mattresses can cause bending in your spine leading to stiffness in the morning and an uncomfortable night’s sleep. A heavy-duty mattress, such as the Brick Mattress, offers your spine and your limbs the support they need.