How to repair a divan bed base
Good bed bases are essential to a good night's sleep. The best bed bases are never cheap, which is why knowing how to repair them could save you huge amounts of money when they are damaged. Divan beds can be tricky to get in and out of a room as they usually come as one whole part that can't be deconstructed to fit through a doorway. This makes it even more important that owners of divan bed bases know how to repair them. If you ever do run into a problem, this article will explain how to repair a divan bed base and what tools you will need to make those repairs.
How might a divan bed base break?
Although they are known for being one of the more durable bed bases, divan beds can become damaged. The main type of damage often experienced with a divan bed is collapsing.
Collapsing occurs when the interior slating of the base becomes weak and starts to cave inwards, creating a dip in the main bed shelf. This can be caused by excessive weight being placed onto the bed, large amounts of force on the bed (such as falling or jumping) or even age. If you tend to sleep on the same part of your mattress each night, this part of your divan bed base will weaken quicker than other areas, which could cause it to collapse.
What will I need to repair a divan bed base?
Divan bed frames can be damaged in two areas: the main bed 'shelf' and the draws that are part of the bed base. The process that you will follow to fix your bed base will depend on the area that needs fixing. Generally speaking, fixing a divan bed base will not require you to become a pro overnight and most of the tools that are needed are probably already sat around in your shed somewhere. If your divan bed base is collapsing, you may also need to get your hands on a sheet of wood.

How to repair a divan bed base?
How to fix the headboard of a divan bed
Most headboards on divan bed bases will be easily detachable. If your headboard has come loose or is creaky, you will simply need to tighten the screws that attach it to the main base of the bed.
If your headboard has experienced more major damage, you may need to find a replacement. To do this, take measurements of the width of your divan frame and decide how high you want your new headboard to be (you should also decide on the material and colour). Then, take a trip to your nearest furniture store or perhaps have a look online to find a new headboard that fits your needs.
Once you have found the perfect headboard for your divan bed, you will need to attach it to the main base. To do this, you must first attach the headboard struts to the main board, so that it can easily be attached to the divan base. You should align the two holes on each strut to the two holes in the headboard. Sometimes, headboard holes will be hidden under the fabric, so you may have to run your fingers over the board to find these.
You then need to attach the board to the base. Many divan beds will have bolt holes readily made in their design, so you must locate these before starting to attach your new headboard. Once you have found the base holes, you can pierce the divan fabric and screw your headboard in place.
How to fix a collapsed divan bed frame
Collapsed frames are one of the biggest problems faced by divan bed users. Luckily, this issue can be fixed fairly easily.
You must start by opening up your divan bed - this can mean unpicking the fabric stitching to reveal the inside structure of the bed. Once you have a clear view of the inside, you can start to understand exactly what is causing your divan bed to collapse. One of the main causes for sagging is that the middle supporting leg is not wide enough to fully support where the mattress sits. One easy fix would be to replace this leg for a wider, sturdier leg that will be able to handle a heavier weight. You could also simply add more legs along the central plinth of the divan.
Another easy fix for a collapsed divan bed base is to insert a sheet of plywood on top of the slats of the bed frame. This will add an extra layer of support for your mattress, which should help the main bed frame last for longer and to hold weight better. This fix is by far the most straightforward and can be done without taking your divan bed frame apart. Simply take off the mattress, place down the plywood and then put your mattress back into place.
How to fix a broken divan bed drawer
As with headboards, draws are detachable from divan bed bases so can easily be fixed if damaged. Depending on how your drawer is damaged, some repairs only require a small amount of glue and can be done very easily.
If the sides of your drawers are broken, you may need to get some new wooden panels made to replace the broken ones. To do this, take the measurements of the panels that are broken and also note down any holes, grooves or attachments that the drawers may have. You can then ask a carpenter, bed specialist or furniture store to supply you with replacement parts.
If your drawers are simply falling apart, applying carpenters glue to the joints is the best way to keep them together and fix the problem quickly. In the long run, you may want to purchase replacement drawers but the glue should be strong enough to hold things together short-term.
If your divan bed base is on its last legs, you may want to invest in a newer, more durable bed frame. Our heavy duty divan base is made with longevity and stability in mind. This reinforced bed base is the strongest on the market and will provide you with a good night's sleep for years to come.
We also have a variety of bespoke beds and mattresses in stock that can be tailored to your specific needs and can be purposefully built with durability in mind to provide you with a comfortable yet reliable heavy-duty bed or mattress. Heavy-duty beds and mattresses are ideal for commercial use, such as b&bs and care homes, as they can withstand regular use without falling victim to wear and tear or damage. You can view the full collection on our website or contact us to learn more about our free delivery options and heavy-duty guarantee.